Friday, November 2, 2007

Chops of Brilliance

There is a conference currently going on at Baylor right now celebrating the life and writings of Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the leading Jewish theologians/philosophers/thinkers of the 20th century. Many Jewish scholars are in attendance at this conference. As I am presently taking the Jewish Philosophy class, I have been attending some of the sessions, including the luncheons.

Today, we had a buffet luncheon provided by the food services here at Baylor. The buffet included a nice pasta salad, cooked carrots, Peruvian potatoes, some kind of pasta with sauce, and pork chops. Yes, we were served pork chops at a conference full of Jewish scholars. To the surprise of no one, many people were vegetarians for lunch today. It was quite funny, yet sad at the same time.

Maybe I'll write more of my thoughts about this situation at another time.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Oh wow. You would have thought that someone would realize that serving pork to a large crowd of Jewish scholars might not go over very well. It sounds like everyone was easygoing over the mistake, at least.

P.S. - I added your blog to my blogroll. It just slipped my mind when I was re-adding everything after the template change- sorry!